The escort are high level escorts in every direction. They are intelligent, most of the times well educated (college or university) and above all, sexy at the maximum. Are the best choice for that kind of people which have money and are alone. "Unfortunately" I am happily married and cannot taste those. Anyhow I will use never my bitcoin with those. I would use my fiat money. Cannot have fear to be known. It is a pleasure to be with those.
I am glad you are one of the few who understand the difference between a a high class escort and a standard one. On this level its usually about exclusive dates, events and parties and in most cases just be a smart listener. There are many blue-bloods who don't mind paying for a company of a intelligent woman.
Thank you very much for your special world about me. I can assure you that if I were young, have money and single would more than happy to have the companionship of such kind of girls. Maybe be able to attract her so much and stay with her more than can be possible with my money. But even because the relationship which will be created in such conditions will much more enjoyable. Not because i doubt in their professionalism in doing their "duty". But because the attraction from both the parties (when born and exist) give something special to them; something that any amount of money is not able to create.
I think i would not want to do it exactly because this kind of "relationship" that might build. I mean if it really turns out that girl is a girl you fall in love then you might have be no chance. She might not be in love since she was paid for it. And you are heart broken.
Even when she fell in love, i wonder if MissSilvia would have to punish her for breaking the contract or something like that. I'm sure that is not allowed. I might be wrong.
And then, though that's my personal preference... i'm somewhat cautious with girls that you draw to you with money. You never know if she would love you without money too then. And i really really like that the girl that loves me know went through hard financial times with me. That showed me that her love is deep and pure.
You have not read well my post.
I have not mentioned in any place the word "love". "Attraction" and "love" are way far away from each other. So, I wrote firstly "Maybe be able to attract her so much and stay with her more than can be possible with my money." So, in other words, the attraction be firstly by the other part and not from me. Then, if this could be verified, is the next sentence: ".... the attraction from both the parties (when born and exist) give something special to them; something that any amount of money is not able to create.". This mean attraction (for sure) at least by the other part.
You can tell that in these things nothing can be calculated. Maybe could be so. Maybe could be me that can't be able to protect my feelings and myself. Who knows? Maybe you right. But for the others. Because as for me (knowing myself) that it is not my case.
As for MissSilvia, she will know nothing. It will be a little secret between me and the escort in question. So everything well thought. Don't you think so now?