Look at how many of the Bitcoin companies did it, e.g. Blockstream. I agree with the poster above me, how do we know this isn't a scam within a scam.
That's an extremely uniformed, and frankly, narrow minded comment.
They have already put out some promising tech. And they did all that on their own dime!
They are going with an iterative development model.
This is a project for the commons. Keeping the greed out of it is a very wise move to actualize the project vision.
By the way, I don't think it is greedy for them to want to be paid for their work, but if you think keeping greed out of it is a wise move, then why are they asking for money? (Or is it not greedy for them to want to be paid by someone else, but people who are paying them wanting a return on their money is greedy?)
And by the way, I've lost a lot more in fiat than in bitcoin, when you take into account the loss due to inflation. I've lost nothing in bitcoin, I have exactly the same number of bitcoins I have had for a long time.
I have no problem with their project, nor the way they fund it, but telling people they are wrong because they don't agree with their method of financing it, IS wrong. Decentralized exchanges, decentralized everything involved in bitcoin for that matter, is a good idea.