Oh, I'm only using a lone BFL Single, but my varr diff is manually set to 2. Would that affect my earnings much? From what I can tell, a manually set work_difficulty makes for higher-paying high-diff shares, but fewer low-paying low-diff shares. Is this correct?
Sort of. You get paid the same as if the shares you submitted were only half the difficulty the are(since vardiff = work_difficulty =2), but multiplied by 2.
Think of it like this:
Reward per share = function(share_difficulty/work_difficulty) * work_difficulty
So playing around with Kano's calculator (Thanks, btw! Just what I was looking for), it seems that manually setting work_difficulty to a higher value does increase the payout per share by a bit, at almost any share_difficulty. How is this offset? Just the fact that fewer shares are submitted?
Yes. By upping the work_difficulty, shares which are less than the new value will not be paid at all. This offsets the higher payment for the shares that are paid.
I understand your first formula (the on in the OP) pretty well, the second I'm having a harder time wading thru. At this point, I'm just trying to figure out practical applications.
The second formula is what allows you to maintain the same average fee while capping the payout. It's more complicated, and that's part of the reason I'm not so enthusiastic about capping.
heh well I guess I need to check what OzCoin is using at the moment - coz that's what matters
(I'm not sure they've updated it yet to whatever the next version of the calculation is)
I put the equations I'm using at the moment at the bottom of the web page
(and the cap I'm using is simply a cap on 'Your Share Difficulty')
Edit: i.e. I'm using the OP post equation
Well if Graet is capping the shares but hasn't updated the formula, he's effectively taking 4% extra fee on top of the advertised fee. I hope this will be fixed soon.