Okay guys, so first let me start off buy saying that, i completely understand that i am new here, and trust has to be earnt ect ect ( but really its not going to be hard im sure )
So ive made a facebook group called Cryptocash Community.
I just want to make it the biggest facebook community for all things crypto as its always been my goal to have a successful self syphoning group, trying to get afew youtubers on board, now im comming to you guys, been running since friday and have 200 members already .
What im offering is.
For every member you get to join that is into Crypto and would atleast be semi active you will get .5 of a dollar, so 50 cents worth of bitcoin, which is not bad for doing hardly anything hey ?
Also for every POST that you post, will be getting 2$ worth of bitcoin a post ! i also think thats pretty good for such little effort, obviously you cant spam post and post constantly so i think the best way would be to add members , but you can do it however you want.
The only rules are the post has to be a legitmate post with some sort of purpose or way to have a discussion, and thats it.
After you have made a post, all im asking is you comment in this thread so i know its you , and ill send you the BTC directly from my trezor.
as for the members, you can also come and type there name here or you tell me who they are and ill conform .
Ill post the link here. now let me just remind you im in australia so to most of you out time difference will be different so DO NOT think im ignoring you i will get around to it, im a full time plumber and as soon as im home i will get onto it !
One last thing i would ask is that after recieving your payments that you, give me some trust points on here !
https://www.facebook.com/groups/CryptocashcommunityThanks guys
this is pretty good and seems legit. 2$ per post is so high and too good to be true but i think that you should escrow the funds first in order for us here to gain trust on you, since your a newbie also nowadays more newcomers here popping out and scamming people just to get followers or subscribers.