Sure, I'll elaborate. You cry and cry about ethics and that people who profited from $6 Paycoins are unethical. How so? If I believe in Paycoin and STILL have a stake in the game, how does it make me unethical to buy low and sell high? Are BTC traders unethical then? What about people that play the BTC/LTC ratio? They must be unethical as well, no?
There is nothing wrong with trading, being greedy or making a profit. What I find objectionable is those that do so within likely scams on the backs of victims. Are you trying to suggest that Bitcoin is a ponzi or just suggesting you don't acknowledge any of the warning signs that paycoin is a likely ponzi?
I didn't pump and dump the coin...I didn't tell people to sell it because it sucks, then quickly buy their cheap coins, then tell them its the best so I could sell them back higher. THAT is unethical. I am invested in Paycoin. I took some out which happened to be my original investment plus 2.4x. I STILL have $29K Canadian invested into Paycoin, either in the coin itself or in stakers. So I ask you again, HOW is that unethical if I am STILL invested in it?
If you are completely deluded and don't see any warning signs that this is a likely ponzi than you aren't acting in an unethical manner. GAW has shown unethical business practices, and others are choosing to play the market knowing this is a scam which is immoral.
So what is the timeline when we can no longer call this thing a scam? A month? 3 months? 5 years? What is it? Or is this like the perma-bulls for BTC where they keep saying "the moon" is just around the corner as the coin devalues by 80% over 6 months?
This was already answered in the other thread:
Ok, so if this hasn't blown up by February 1st, what then? Is it still a scam?
If it survives till Feb it is less likely a ponzi, but certainly could still be one .... look at how long pbmining lasted before imploding or madolf.
What we can be absolutely sure of now is the sketchy pump and dump practices, lies, and exaggerations coming from that company.