I have got 134 GH/s cloud mining from "cex.io" for a while. Also I have got 60 GH/s from "genesis mining" cloud services.
They are lifetime based and GH/s from cex.io is tradeable and refundable via exchange trading. Also, I will prefer genesis mining for altcoins later.
Therefore, I have got 4GH/s from cloudhashing.com It is old style of cloud mining as contracts as 12 months.
It will be ended the first week of December. I paid 299 dollars for it at last year.
Other on the hand, I am victim of scam of Bitco Miners at the date of January of 2014.
It said that give 3 months period contracts. I paid 100 dollars for 50GH/s at that moment. There is a link below.
Also I paid nearly 60 dollars for 5GH/s Butterfly labs cloud mining contracts last year. So It has been placed into a temporary receivership pursuant to court orders. You can visit their website.
So What shold I do ?
Even if cex.io is not profitable, it is the most logical cloud mining service I have ever seen.
You can sell your GHS at cex.io and keep buying BTC. You don't have to cloudmine. There are also new companies that offer GHS at a lower cost, they have a lower maintenance cost too.