Let's say I want to buy 1TH/s of mining.
pbmining.com - Cost is 2.9BTC, with no other fees and 10% referral program
lunamine.com - Cost is 2.2056BTC + 0.0032USD per GH/s per day and 5% referral program
0.0032USD * 1000 * 7 * 52 = 1,164.80USD or ~2.0BTC at today's exchange rate for one year of fees.
So, lunamine is 2.20568BTC + ~2.0BTC or ~4.20BTC expenditure during the first year of mining.
On lunamine, it looks like it is a lifetime contract, but the odds of receiving any significant revenue after the first year is low, especially with their daily fees. Pbmining looks like a much better deal, all things considered.
Did I do the math correctly?
I won't be able to respond, my posts keep getting deleted for anything that isn't praising PBmining I guess.