I noticed something else: on my profile it shows my surname first and my given name second - is that how it should appear ? I'm certain I entered the names in the correct fields when I registered. (In fact I know I did, just went back into registration page again and my browser autofilled the fields correctly.)
I also noticed that it said that my customer ID was embedded in the transaction as part of the cost ?
SO, if my Customer #: 10229 (from my profile) and the amount I was asked to send was 0.10600229, is there something wrong with that ?
1. Even though they are processed automatically up to a certain point, they still need to be manually approved. I can think of a few services that were confident enough to be fully automated with their money processing, and ended up having it stolen. This is the way we run things.
2. It is common to list a name that way, yes. That is normal.
3. Yes, the last 3 digits showing up seems to be working for you normally as well. This is used more for convenience than a double check while we are processing, and we certainly don't completely rely on it for verification. We actually use a few layers of security when it comes to processing orders, since we have been too stubborn to use Blockchains address generator and callback system after we were attacked in January.
Basically, everything looks like its in order!
Ok. Many thanks for that info.
I'll eagerly await my Ghashs' appearance !
Hehehe.. sorry, oink oink Oink!!
Now mining :-)
Cashed in some of my GHS on CEX to have a go here - thinkgs getting a bit too trixy at the moment on CEX for me.
Plus I got my own antminers on Slush's pool. Diversity's the key, I think.
I would put my personal hardware towards cex or eligius. Both have pool fee 0%. Slush has 2%