1 - Changing the RNG for Dice / Wheel. While some have reported issues with the RNG, we've yet to been able to reproduce any tampering with it - but to be on the safe side, we're implemented a new algorithm for this. [ETA - First week of June]
2 - Altcoin Raffles. Instead of just having BTC raffles, we'll introduce Raffles for every alt-coin we support on the site [ETA - June, we're working on the UI right now]
3 - Dark Coin Implementation. We'll be swapping Dark Coin for AnoniCoin [ ETA - June]
It's going to be an exciting month for PeerBet / Bit777 - hope to see you guys at the tables!
all of the stated bugs are suddenly fixed by now, but even were existing since weeks, good finally someone of the owners reacted the bugs (TIM or PR).
Keep up the good work
Will you know when you finally implement the Altcoin Raffle? ^^
Can you please shed some more information on the site's losses as well? As Tim was saying before, the site was going through a lot of problems and the previous owners were MIA so it was bleeding money. What is the status on all of this?