it's usually "isn't it that thing that thieves and criminals use for drugs and stuff?"
I guess. Although that argument is easily deflated. It's amazing how people get all t heir ideas from television. I watch maybe 1 hour of television per week, MAX. Not because I don't like TV, but because anything worth watching on TV, can be downloaded online, without commercials.
this is my personal opinion but.. we are in the information age, and there's way too much of it. there are too many things to kept yourself aware of that many people just want to consolidate their "thinking" to news organizations or celebrities. there's just so much fucking information and news going into people's heads. if it's not the constant checking of twitter or facebook, it's the news channels or the news sites.
if everyday you hear so much shitty things happening, you're bound to become desensitized to it.
Sure, you have to specialize sometimes in what you wish to learn about. You just can't read EVERYTHING. Although it's a bit sad that some people devote 90% of their brain power to learn about celebrities, what they where, who the fuck, and what they are going to call their children.