Why through? We are fine by writing code and cracking code and security and such, it’s never bore the computer world are wonderful, it’s endless possibilities, it’s above food, we are skipping food to uploading and downloading binary!!
Yeah there's a lot more stuff you could do anyway. Find puzzle books, solo games (or games against others if you have more people in the house), online quizzes... And moving to encryption/decryption in the advancement you want to go, try and pick up a skill or something if you want or look into a new framework/coin.
Darn, I never thought of that. That’s right most egirl dislike Nintendo Switch real good, it’s too nerdy to their liking, yet they’re responsible for extorting the price of a masculine hobby! How dare them! Our only source of entertainment are getting pricier.
I think most liked them, they just didn't have an excuse to buy one. If a dude buys a gadget, he deosn't feel the need and normally doesn't need to explain himself - if a girl does it they feel they'll need an excuse to spend so much.
Also animal crossing might have just been released which convinced them all to get a switch.
I wouldn't say any games console is particularly masculine or femanine. Certain parts of games may be aimed at one gender but there I know as many geeky/nerdy girls as I do guys to know that both are interested in all games consoles. 50$ really? I don't spend a penny for the game
Not sure I understand what this means? I definitely wouldn't expect to spend the $62 on a game...
I wouldn't say any games console is particularly masculine or femanine. Certain parts of games may be aimed at one gender but there I know as many geeky/nerdy girls as I do guys to know that both are interested in all games consoles. I can’t agree to this any longer, it’s a sad reality, Sony has been catering more into feminism, don’t tell me why all the game titles released into the platform are fan service to the female audience by showing muscle men as main protagonists, all the titles, in Sony are catering to entice females audience by greatly exaggerate on the muscle and protect the girl from harm, die for your love one story line, it is all that element that push the girl buttons to the euphoria and wiling to toss money just to feel the men in the games, nope, I’m not gay and not gonna enjoy that muscle and fall in love to that muscle, please, that’s disgusts me further when fan service for men are restricted, with couple of politically promoting child safety in play station, come on, that’s weird, I’m outta here.