dont pretend to be a full node if you disabled full archive and also not fully validating every byte of all blocks, nor offering full data to peers
Pruned nodes do validate all of the blocks during synchronization. Definition wise, not sure what's the fuss with it. If you can't provide the full blockchain history to your peers, you are already signalling that to others in your network flag.
yes but if the network explorers like bitnodes is saying there are xx.xxxx nodes. do not suppose they are all "full nodes" you have to look at the useragents service bits to see if they are the top number to offer full servives.. and if the ratio of those that are vs those that are not lean more to those that are not. it means those that are have to service more nodes, slowing each one down fractionally
you dont have to be a full node. but if you want to be.. hard drives are not a reason not to be.. hard drives are cheap and not a hindrance
but if you dont want to be. no problem, just dont proclaim to be a full node while not offering full network/peer services. be happy to admit you want to operate one of the other options that offer less network/peer services as default
Full node has traditionally been used to describe nodes who validates all of the blocks and transactions, and thus by the convention that we have always adopted, it would be considered a full node. Node operators are not compensated for the operation of their nodes, and I wouldn't go as far as to assume that everyone is willing to spend so much of their disk space just to run a full archival node.
fully validate
and archive(aswell as visible connections to seed peers and other stuff).. yep "full node" was a term used before pruning option was even an option
also, you do know the rules got softened right!!.
its how junk data (extra bytes) get to be in the blockchain without causing nodes to reject the junk..
the lack of care/concern by nodes that just allow uncertain/unchecked bytes to be allowed.. is a exploit that should not have happened
nodes dont validate every byte meets a purpose/format/function of a transaction. they instead see an opcode that just says "yea its valid, just accept it, dont check it"
emphasis bitcoin full nodes used to VALIDATE .. EVERY.. BYTE.
every byte used to have a purpose because previous generation of devs actually cared about lean transactions
you are not a full node if you are just adding junk without the node checking each byte has a purpose and then pruning said data