Wrong, it happened a hell of a lot sooner then that, more like 20 years or so after the war with Britain when the SCOTUS started issuing various opinions reinforcing the role of the federal government over state sovereignty.
Look, this is what I think you don't understand:
The constitution is just 4 pieces of paper, basically a PR statement of a small gang of people making rules for everyone else and enforcing them through the use of violence. It's not a contract, no one signed it and even if they did last I checked contract can't be transferred to the signatory's posterity so why on Earth would anyone follow the constitution when it so much more lucrative not to? Do you know of a single case where it's more than obvious they didn't follow the constitution and they faced any ANY negative repercussions at all?
What you are asking for is for human beings to act against their human nature by following a document they have no actual obligations to follow while forgoing huge rewards for the exact opposite actions, news flash, it's not going to happen, like ever.
It's simple really, the constitution either gave you the government that you have today or it was unable to prevent it, in either case it's unfit to fulfill it's intended role. Wake up already!
All there is is you and your freedom and if YOU aren't going to protect yourself and your freedom, no one will. Instead of trying to improve a dying idea, how about you instead examine what services does the government provide and try and offer those at a lower price and with a higher quality as a private business with a voluntary customer base. Because that's where the real solutions lies, no where else.