If I was staying in another Country I would use Bitcoin rather than a new altcoin that only a few people have heard read about.
This is where PSB really shines: we will litterally bring this cryptocurrency to people's doors. People who need it and don't know anything about crypto.
There are a few problems with using Bitcoin for international remittances:
1) Huge price premium when buying BTC locally with cash (how many Overseas workers get paid is cash) - not everybody has a Coinbase account connected to his bank
2) Buying Bitcoin with Coinbase and bank account has 4-7 day delay - everything about Bitcoin is slow
3) Many workers have never heard about Bitcoin or are scared of it - they need a system that is very simple to use
4) Bitcoin network has become tremendously slow - and sometimes rejects transactions because of overload - which is why Bitcoin is problematic when buying locally with cash. Imagine buying Bitcoin with cash from a stranger and transaction gets rejected!!! How do you get your money back?
5) There is no way to offset or recuperate any fees with Bitcoin - No interest paid for owning Bitcoin
Pesobit brings simplicity and lower fees; check out the online wallet which is the first part of the remittance solution (
Pesobit is
Simple to use, and combined
with staking you can earn quite a bit of money with Pesobit by staking or at least recuperate all the fees paid - making Pesobit a free solution, with some planning.