Yay! Then the poor will be guaranteed to starve and freeze as well!
Government guarantees this happens. Can you point to example where government money has not? I would be interested.
Or a example where "free Market" currency has harmed the poor, in the absent of government perversion?
Just one?
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Water_privatization#Cochabamba.2C_BoliviaAnd I know you won't read it, so here:
"In the previous years, despite funds made available by the World Bank to support the public utility of Cochabamba, access to piped water in the city had decreased to 40%, water losses had remained high at 40% and water was supplied only 4 hours a day. Those not connected to the network paid ten times as much for their water to private vendors as those who were."
For water. This is a good example pretty much because it's one of the few "goods" we need to live.
Private != Free market
Crony state-enabled capitalism is not properly incentivized services and goods. Sub-contracting a state monopoly is not the free market at work.
Excuses. I know you think "but it's not
perfect, that's why it doesn't work" is your answer to everything (i.e. redefine it every time to make sure counter examples don't apply), but this is reality. You have your examples, and they work great, whether you like it or not.
Nothing in life is a closed system. And unless you want to float high above the level of practice all day, you have to come down and try stuff in real life. This happened, and you can't deny it's failure because it wasn't "perfect".
But you will, because you are completely inept at any serious attempt at arguing a point. Seriously, go away, Atlas.
Why are they excuses? They sucked because the state was involved. There is no doubt about it.
You're no better, my friend. You have yet to prove why genuinely free services are worse besides providing pure myths.
"Profit is exploitation!"
No, theft is exploitation. Fraud is exploitation. Making money while providing equitable return is not exploitation.