Another biggest loser in gambling is on the list adding to the competitive personalities they have in sports. He had been gaming since 2010-2014. Five years of gambling, yet he didn't realized he is not that good like his prime, he must be chasing his loss like everyone who in the process resulted to more loss. Mickelson suffer over $56 million in gambling loss and also spend hours for his therapy. When a guy already enroll himself in a therapy, you can tell its already bad.
When you are the ones playing your sports, you'll trust on your skills which is why he bet so much too. I guess this is also what happened to the NBA stars who fell in same loss. It must be hard to cure such gambling addiction since he make a living out of golf sport, he is expose to this sport all his life. The only way I guess is to retire and if he still gambles after that, its really getting worse.
I am really glad that he is aware of his behavior and he knows that he becomes addicted to it, many people does not admit that they are too much commited to gambling or they already fall for addiction, the moment he knew and ask for help to a professional is somehow a good sign that he wants to end this big problem of his and he wants to have a life outside gambling, it is not too late for it.