the remittance services above can remit to those with no bank accounts..its just more expensive as the pesos arrive via existing local pdala services at the rates they charge (with no add on) as an additional cost
the minimum available thru this is P26 but the3 sender would be wiped out due to cost of $ to bitcoin exchange most probably
Here are a couple of small remittance estimates and you can see if they work for ur intended use
P500 sent =...2% approx $ to bitcoin P10 + 3% exchange spread when selling bitcoin to peso P15 + P10 mobile money gcash = P35 cost or 7% cost
or lbc etc cash pick up P30 = P55 or 11%
P200 sent = 2% approx $ to bitcoin P4 ( assuming there is no fee or minimum in buying bitcoin with $ as if there is it will never be worth sending in this or any other method from outside Philippines ) + 3% spread bitcoin to pesos ( there is no minimum for this) = P6 + P15 cash pick up lbc total P25 or 12.5%..
so small amounts can be done at a higher % cost which however is far lower than western union who probably will eat up 90% + of the remittance on low amounts
The local bitcoin spread is already about 7 - 10 % each way...$ to bitcoin and then bitcoin to pesos and then you will still need to go thru a remittance service so that is more expensive.