look at his first posts and work your way up, see who are his subjects, you'll get it. Or not.
Of late, PG was poking into the life of Brock Pierce and the people conencted to him. That is hardly a peculiar interest, given that BP is now at the helm of the Bitcoin Foundation. (In fact, I am puzzled by the community's lack of interest about BP's career and connection.) I saw one post of @Gleb_Gamow on that topic. Is that the evidence you are referring to?
Usage of the "TBC" acronym (I don't know what it means, which is why I searched for it on the forums - it's rarely used, and by him.)
Usage of a space in the username, which is also rare; most people are trained to use no spaces in usernames as they are often refused.
I don't know or care about the guy, but anyone connected to Thermos or BFL is highly suspicious in my book. He's both.
I've been reluctant to chime in here since all I can offer is my personal opinion and some anecdotes but I sincerely doubt Bruno Kucinskas aka Phinnaeus Gage has recently posted here under another account. The previous instances of sock puppet use were due to temporary bans and he didn't try very hard to mask his identity. I do see why one might think theses other, more recent accounts may be him but, if so, he is doing a much better job of obfuscating who he really is.
Regarding the original scam accusation, PG has several times left me hanging, expecting responses to PMs that never materialized. Each time, it seemed to be simple absent mindedness on his part since they were only informal discussions without much, if any, BTC at stake and he did respond when prodded. In this case, I believe the likeliest explanation is that he forgot about this before he went offline (remember when he claimed to have forgotten where he hid a large amount of money in his house?). This is still inexcusable and I don't fault the OP at all for taking actions to retrieve what is rightfully his. I don't think it's necessary to attribute his disappearance to some convoluted scheme, however.
How would this explain his sudden refusal to accept a phone call from me or return a voice mail when less than a week before (before insurance claim was paid) he always answered or returned calls same day.