
Topic: Physical - CryptoVault - Cold Storage Coins (Read 2325 times)

Activity: 1470
Merit: 1017
Star Wars Ep. 9 is here
December 29, 2014, 11:21:21 PM
I'll second snarlpill's sentiments.  These are good guys who made things right after the other scammer ripped some people off. 

I hope your project gets off the ground, and even if the startjoin doesn't succeed, that you'll find other ways to ensure it does.
full member
Activity: 125
Merit: 100
December 29, 2014, 10:42:33 PM
Yes you are correct, if the startjoin is not 100% funded all backers get their money back.

As far as kickstarter we have though about running a campaign their and hopefully it wouldn't cause a lot of confusion when we start marketing it (like the scam guy did for this one).  We really want to offer something different that no other cold storage coin offers.  So we will try any and all means to try to get the funding for the good stuff.

I can do some videos of various torture tests but as you can see from my original video that is not my specialty lol.  One of the main problems is our supplier gave us very limited quantities of each of the labels and paper as they were so expensive.  I have looked at 6 different manufacturers for the labels and 4 for the paper.  Only 2 passed our tests for the labels and 1 for the paper.  Both of those options ran us 60% of our startjoin, the other 40% was for the production of 200 gold plated coins and shipping.  If we got alot of US orders we would be ok but alot of over seas orders and we would be underwater.  The initial run of 500 alloy coins was out of our own pockets so that we could actually have a physical product in hand to start the crowd funding.
hero member
Activity: 910
Merit: 530
$5 24k Gold FREE 4 sign-up!
December 29, 2014, 10:03:10 PM
^ I would imagine all of the contributing backers get their funds back if it doesn't reach 100% fully funded.

These are some good guys with an innovative product that I think will really inspire the future crypto coin industry. I've been trying to think of ways to help your project succeed in the past few days. I looked into a lot of different fire/heat-proof papers; I don't know how many different types & kinds you've looked at and tried, but I would think finding more affordable element-proof paper & labels might be the key to reaching your funding.

Also, if the StartJoin doesn't make it, I would really suggest one of the bigger name crowd funding sites like KickStarter. I personally had never heard of SJ and I imagine that's the same for most, and KickStarter has a huge following. Also maybe make a "shoot-out" video testing the coins ability to protect private keys- I.e: Run one over with a car, torch one for minutes, soak one, drop one off a building, etc. Then maybe after each damage test, peel back the label to test/import the private key. Might really get the safe & endurable qualities etched into consumers' minds.

Good Luck guys!
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Activity: 125
Merit: 100
December 29, 2014, 09:51:02 PM
Most likely, no fire resistant paper or fire / water resist labels.
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Activity: 225
Merit: 100
December 29, 2014, 08:35:29 PM
What happens IG the startjoin campaign doesn't get funded?
full member
Activity: 125
Merit: 100
December 29, 2014, 08:00:31 PM
Thanks jdebunt!  I hope that will get us some more views and hopefully some more backers =)  I appreciate it!
full member
Activity: 125
Merit: 100
December 29, 2014, 07:55:44 PM
The coins are 33mm.  We had not planned on making the alloy coins a limited release as that was going to be our ongoing product.  If we do not hit our goal I am not sure what our plans will be.  They were not designed to be proof quality coins for collectors but more akin to as indestructible as possible to protect your valuable private key.
Activity: 1470
Merit: 1017
Star Wars Ep. 9 is here
December 26, 2014, 08:17:49 AM
As promised here is the article :

I will try to push out a rewrite to either BTCFeed or Bitcoinist as well Smiley

Very nice write up.  Hopefully it gives the startjoin project a push
Activity: 1596
Merit: 1010
December 26, 2014, 05:33:12 AM
As promised here is the article :

I will try to push out a rewrite to either BTCFeed or Bitcoinist as well Smiley
Activity: 1596
Merit: 1010
December 26, 2014, 02:12:41 AM
Will write up an article about this campaign over at today and post back with the link when it's up, should hopefully get you some more attention Smiley
hero member
Activity: 602
Merit: 500
Acc bought - used solely for signature testing
December 26, 2014, 01:05:19 AM
Gotta be honest - I've seen much more attractive cold storage coins produced here on the forums.
full member
Activity: 125
Merit: 100
December 26, 2014, 01:02:43 AM
Hope everyone had a happy and safe holiday!  Our crowdfunding on startjoin ends on the 31st.  So if you have been thinking about our coins, head on over and get yourself the present you really wanted!
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Activity: 125
Merit: 100
December 23, 2014, 07:57:30 AM
Only 4% funded, we need your help!
full member
Activity: 125
Merit: 100
December 18, 2014, 08:06:29 PM
So only 13 days left to get your hands on some beautiful CryptoVault physical Cold Storage Coins.  Im starting to think the outlook does not look good unless there is some kind of BTC Mirical that happens =(  But hey tis the season so maybe we will get lucky.  Only 200 24k gold plated coins (100 sets) will be minted if we reach our goal so you could be one of the very few.  The alloy coins would be our ongoing collection.  I hope anyone interested in a very safe way to secure your crypto coins heads to our startjoin and pledges, every dollar counts!  Wish you all a safe and happy holidays!

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Activity: 125
Merit: 100
December 16, 2014, 12:15:48 AM
Your paper wallet cant do this...
Our CryptoVault can...
full member
Activity: 125
Merit: 100
December 14, 2014, 05:15:45 PM
How flammable is your paper wallet?  Keep your coins secure with CryptoVault fire/water resistant paper and labels with our alloy coin sets!

There is nothing on that wallet, fyi...
full member
Activity: 125
Merit: 100
December 12, 2014, 08:42:54 AM
Anyone watch the video of the flame resistant paper?  What did you think!
full member
Activity: 125
Merit: 100
December 08, 2014, 09:07:09 PM
We are at 3% funded with only 22 days left.  We need more support!

Any questions?
full member
Activity: 125
Merit: 100
December 07, 2014, 09:56:40 PM
Yes we tested on coin #500 (sorry coin), in a 600 degree oven (hot as it gets), for 2 hours.  It was then dropped in a bowl of water for 30 minutes to help cool it off and test the water resistance.  The outer label was still readable (had generic model number on it) and the adhesive was slitghtly goey, but still very secure.  Paper came out bright white (on the inside where the key would be) the outsides were very minimally yellowed.  The paper was not brittle and could be unfolded and the numbers could be read.  Our other test subject with a thin generic sticker and printer paper was 100% destroyed.  When we took the sticker off which was half disintegrated the paper inside was complete black ash and as soon as it was touched it broke apart into little pieces.  +1 for fire resistant paper / label combo.

As for the label, we do not yet have a design.  We are kicking around some ideas.  The labels come a satin silver as that is the color of the fire resistant material.  To keep costs down we were going to go with black text/image only.

*dont worry to all the people who want a the gold plated version, we are going to do a secondary thin embossed gold label to go over the fire resistant label, so it will look gold all around =)
hero member
Activity: 910
Merit: 530
$5 24k Gold FREE 4 sign-up!
December 07, 2014, 08:38:36 PM
That's awesome man, good to hear you have a vested interest in Bitcoin and had the thought to maximize one's personal security for their funds. Like I said- I feel like you guys took this to another level with having protection for your Bitcoin (or other crypto) from not only hacking and online dangers but elements such as water and fire as well. There have been a lot of great crypto coin makers start out selling on Bitcointalk, such as the great Casascius himself. I wish your team the best of luck.

You asked for questions, here's a couple:

I saw on one of the fire test videos where you said you tested the labels at 600 degrees F for a period of time. Did you do tests with the complete product (coin + private key printed on label covered with sticker)? If so what are the details and how did it turn out?

Will the sticker that covers the private key have any design on it?

Great review snarlpill. 

Thanks man
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