If you have some spare time, I encourage you to research past pages of the website
http://armisgame.com on the
Wayback Machine.
About 3 years ago Armis attempted to organize a international tournament for his game through his international corporation. He claimed that all entry fees and prize money was underwritten (guaranteed) by an insurance company.
When smart people like me realized no corporation and no insurance company existed, his scheme fell apart.
Armis kept all the entrance fees that had been paid by hopeful players and the scheme collapsed. This is why he chooses to remain anonymous today - if he were to reveal his identity he would be sued.
Read more about this on the [#=http://picisi.net]PICISI[/#] website when it launches this week![u#rl=http://picisi.net]PICISI[/#] - exposing the long conVod created the 'Pickissy' username, Pickissy is not authorized to speak on behalf of PICISI.
I placed red hash mark in the code of the above post to uncover Vod's deception, notice that Vod uses an impostor account, to promote a impostor site, by hiding the impostor site in a link that gives the reader the false first impression that the site belongs to PICISI when it actually doesn't.
Vod clearly has a major personal issue how else can one explain why he would spend numerous hours writing over 60 posts about PICISI, starting at least 3 threads about it, invading 4 PICISI sponsor threads, created at least 3 impostor BCT usernames (official PICISI, Offical PICISI, and Pickissy), and presumably bought a "logo" for his smear campaign as well as a domain name to house his nonsense?
There is your proof that Vod is evil, that attempts to deceive with his trickery.
Vod's actions are creating a roadmap for wrongful behavior, I've complained to BCT administrators about Vod's behavior, I suggest you do the same. Its on them to determine if Vod should remain unrestrained with their blessings or be rightly disciplined for cause.
Notice that Vod went to a PICISI sponsor thread to try to spread his deception there too.
The only proper PICISI site for crowdfunding is
www.PICISI.com the site is presently under construction. We need administrators to help us manage the site, if you are interested in being part of the PICISI admin team, send me a PM.
PICISI Site Design Concept