September 30th 100TH dividend payments: 321.12791163BTC
Shares: 518271
Yesterday dividend per share: 0.00061961BTC
Daily dividend * 365 days in year: 0.22615907BTC
Annual ROI for 0.098BTC shareprice: 230.774562%
Compared to Asicminers 25% ROI per year the shareprice for 100TH should be at: 0.90463628BTC
wow, that calculation is so wrong, simply because it doesnt take in account growing difficulty.
Oh right... and thats why you deleted my last sentence to make your statement correct? It would be correct with reinvestment when one keeps a certain percentage of network share. But since you deleted my sentence you probably know that.
I didnt read that far.
that calculation is useless why posting here?
watch asicminer share go down to 0.01 btc.
Because this security could be worth much more when they would change their plans. Unfortunately it doesnt look like it.
I wonder where Asicminer is moving to. When i see the last div from asicminer and the shareprice of 1.1BTC then the annual ROI is actually 41.59896%, so AM is undervalued since it was valued most of the time at 25% annual return. But i can understand it since no investor does like divs going down. But its for a good reason. Friedcat is collecting bitcoins for reinvestment. I would be happy if the shareprice of 100TH is falling because collecting for reinvestment.