Ballsy of a "fund owner" selling 100gh/s for 400 BTC to criticize a mining OP that will offer (at current price) a possible 25% dividend in the first month or two of operation (based on 100th running in aug) while his fund is EV- from IPO price and just accelerated its demise with diff increases.
Wow... Apparently, you didn't get your basic reading skills from any Swedish schools, because they seem to know what they're doing.
What about those 'suckers' that bought at market price just a few days ago, who was now delivered a 30% blow to their investments, just because tytus needed more money after miscalculating the cost?
Well, I guess that's OK; after all, he did say he'd sell at market himself, and then selling 30% below that... What's 30% between friends, right?
If you had bothered reading any of my critique, though, it is not about price because 100th is very competitively priced. The issue is how tytus runs picostocks and his approach to the market. If you had bought at a price that resembles mine (around 0.75) you would now have lost more than half your investment. Seems like a great investment now, right?
Why do you think the market doesn't want to pay as much for 100th as they pay for BFMines or TAT.VM? What do you think my investors would say if I broke my promise to keep the price at the announced level just because I had some extra bills to pay? Do you think perhaps they may say that 'why did I have to pay X when someone else just paid X-Y?'
In any case, a few weeks ago, I wrote about why 100th is no longer a viable asset to me, and tytus just demonstrated I was right. was doing very well with his previous announcement, but once again failed to keep his promise, so it's sort of moot.
Then I guess your argument holds somewhat more water. I would still like to see you plug BFMINES into the ROI calculation you made for ASICMINER and 100TH in the comparison post and explain (not explain away) how you plan of providing positive return to anyone investing in BFMINES at IPO price.
I am aware it's not an 'ownership' stock, but I still can't shake the feeling that you purchased a 120Gh miner for
BTC40 (likely less, I purchased mine including US shipping for 30) and have resold it to share holders for
BTC400 and change (since the bond represents only 100 of 120 GHs/ after bonus dividend).
Just comes off as a little "pricey" (insert huge smiley face). Then again, I pretty much consider all mining bonds "scams" at this point. The market is ripe for suckers I guess.
I honestly feel that the 100TH is the only possible exception, based on the amount of hash speed and possibly early time to market.