- jack black talking about piracy.
please notice, that he is talking about incitement. what he says boils down to: no money -> no music.
THIS IS WRONG! because a real artist does care about his/hers art, not his wallet.
an artist should in my opinion, do it for the art, not the profit. of course the artist should be rewarded for his work.
an musician should hold concerts. but his record music, should be free.
i have a problem with paying for some that could easily be copied.
but i have no problem with going to a concert with a band. (except that im a rather poor student).
a concert can not be copied!
Okay, this is bullshit. I'm a comedian and a comedy writer, and know a lot of actors and musicians, and they all want to get paid, because although they are doing what they love, at the end of the day, they still need to eat.
I personally creative commons everything I write, but that's because I have a career outside of writing, and I don't plan on making money off of it or doing it as my full time job. But most of my friends have to work at shit jobs like waiting tables and clerks at law offices just to make ends meet, so they can
do the thing that they love.
And you say, "Musicians should just do concerts!" Concerts are one of the most grueling things a musician can do, months away from friends and family, traveling from unknown place to unknown place, and guess what? Musicians already do them! It's how they make ends meet to begin making their next album.
Your entitled attitude is astounding. Maybe its because you're looking at that small percentage of musicians and actors who make a lot of money, and are forgetting about that 99.99% of them that are just figuring out how to get enough money to buy a few packs of ramen to eat.
I will admit, I pirate a fair amount of stuff, but I also budget a certain amount of money each month to go back and buy the albums I like and will re-listen to. If you're broke, I get it, I've been there, and it didn't stop me from downloading music, but quit with the entitlement shit. It makes you look like an asshole.