also if it's true let fbi take care of this.
Right. Exactly. That's basically what I'm expecting. So. Just. Take care, you know.
bet you already call them before posting the scheme here
Are you referring to me? I think they'll manage on their own. Have you not read their recent report on Bitcoin?
Here's a quick analysis:I certainly don't have enough information to even pretend to know what's going on here.
Interestingly, I notice that BST, GPUMAX, PPT investors sound like they don't have
too much of a clue either.
FBI, FinCEN, etc. is likely in the same position, for now. Though maybe not.
To the best of my knowledge - sustained - 7% weekly, compounded return on investment is not encountered in
any legitimate line of business.
(For any reasonable, survivable level of risk. (I could be wrong, though I'd be quite (pleasantly) surprised.))
This makes pirateat40 an interesting case.
Now, put yourself in the shoes of a law enforcement agent, take a step back, and make a tally of the evidence.
It seems hard to deny that this case could be pertinent to
their interests as well, does it not?
At a minimum I'd expect them to want to know what's going on here.
I would think that law enforcement will want to gather information, and then act upon it, if warranted.
Because that is their job, yes? (And wouldn't you think they'd love to dig up some damning dirt on those Bitcoins?)
If they are doing their jobs right they will eventually try, and they will eventually plausibly succeed.
Try, and succeed at figuring out what's going on, exactly. And who's involved, exactly.
This should be expected to take time. But it sounds quite possible that it could - eventually - happen.
So they they try, and find nothing. Or they find something. Or they find something but not a certain pirate, so they settle for you.
I don't know. Maybe pirateat40 is
thoroughly legitimate in every conceivable way. I do hope so, but I wouldn't bet my life on it.
If you have a job, a wife, a family, and you want it to stay that way, you'd do well to keep on your toes.
You realistically need to figure out whether being called in for questioning, or put on trial, is a part of your acceptable risk.
No? Then the worst case scenario could be exactly that.
A worst case scenario.
(Corrections are welcome. Not trying to crash the party. Just calling it like I see it.)