How you gunna feel if it hits $14? (Dash parity atm)
Well that will depend on how Decred goes in the same time period.
If PIVX hits $14 but Decred hits $100 (roughly equivalent multiple) then i'll be fine.
If Decred in the same time drops to $1 then I will have made a mistake.
I have been in the Decred slack a couple of days now asking questions here and there, so far I have never been left without an answer to any technical question.
When I had tech issues with my PIVX wallet with Staking (i sent some funds to someone and staking stopped working) all I got from the core team members was "dunno, it does that sometimes, just wait or restart maybe it will work"
From my PERSONAL experience (and others may of course vary) Decred is not heavy on the marketing but good with the code, PIVX dev team are good with the marketing and making fancy graphics, but lacking in technical capability when it comes to the core blockchain software.
Let me know when PIVX fixes their treasury system and i'll go back and take another look but for now its Decred for me.
I used quotation marks above that were more of a paraphrase. This is the actual conversation with the PIVX team member regarding wallet staking:
auskipper9:00 PM
got it
i take it your not particularly technical member of the team?
jeko9:00 PM
Community manager mainly
website of pivx too
auskipper9:01 PM
ever heard of the staking issue i'm having?
ie, it was working then stops?
jeko9:01 PM
That happen sometimes, try to restart computer
auskipper9:02 PM
ok i'll give that a go
auskipper9:13 PM
Done, still no joy
jeko9:14 PM
Mh, sometimes it wont work for some hour, and suddenly working, i don't know why
To be clear I didnt go straight to the non-technical person, I asked in the support channel of their slack first but noone there could help me. Of course the record of that is long gone it was days ago and their slack is very active.