While most of us around here tend to be long-term bullish on Bitcoin’s future, nobody knows for certain what its value will be in one year, five years, or ten years. With an investment where the upside potential is easily hundred-fold, and the downside risk is one-fold (100% of your original investment),deciding how much to withdraw on the way up can be a torturous problem.
The ultimate goal is to find your personal balance between these two questions:
-If Bitcoin goes to $0 tomorrow, will I be able to live with the gains I locked in up to this point?
-If Bitcoin firmly establishes itself, reaching global equilibrium with other currencies, will I be able to live with the number of Bitcoins I sold along the way?
I use a spreadsheet to help play around with different withdrawal amounts. Its general approach is this: For every X% Bitcoin appreciates in value, sell Y% of my remaining Bitcoins. Adjusting X% controls the granularity – how often and sizable each transaction is. Adjusting Y% controls how much profit is realized on the way up, rather than left for future gains.
If you'd like your sells to have potential rebuy points, you can go a bit further, and set up the Rebuy tab. It will generate rebuys for each of your sell points. If you keep it updated, it can serve as a good parity check to ensure your order book is correct, while guiding the bids and asks.
Feel free to adjust the numbers in the green boxes, and play around for yourself. If you end up using it to track your funds, you'll want to make sure to make a personal copy first, and ensure your privacy settings are as you'd like them. (Oh, and if you find a bug or mistake, please shoot me a PM!)
Bitcoin Withdrawal StrategyMostly for posterity (for now at least), a link to the original spreadsheet:
Version 1 -
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AqpoRK3q-_aKdHdwd0VubzdJbkQ5OF9GRlplVXRVY2c&usp=sharingVersion 2 -
Bitcoin Withdrawal Strategy spreadsheet.
I don't think of this spreadsheet or plan as a trading strategy, such as entering and exiting the market based on movements above and below weighted averages. You
could consider it a very long-term trading strategy whose aim is buy-and-hold, with the only trading done being to incrementally lock in gains at predefined price targets. If you want to get creative, you could make a copy for your conservative long term withdrawals, and a separate copy, having far more aggressive rebuy targets for the trading portion of your portfolio.
Just know that this plan can exist for your long term planning, and you can still trade funds on a shorter time-frame, realizing BTC-based gains and losses along the way.
And of course, remember that your trading strategy must align with your broader-still investment strategy, consider tax implications, etc. That's not really the aim of this tool, or thread. Here I hope to explore the various uses or strategies that people have found beneficial. Hopefully people will be able to pick up a few new ideas that they can then evaluate and/or integrate into their trading approach.
If you follow pre-established buy and sell points rigidly, long-term you put yourself in a win-win situation. If the price continues rising from its relative point, you will still hold the number of Bitcoins you are comfortable with, while holding profits. If the price downturns after you have sold some long-term funds, you have a choice. You can do nothing, and continue to keep your long-term profits locked in. But you'll also have the choice of reinvesting at a lower price, gaining Bitcoins, while setting up to resell them once again at a predefined future sell price.
I hope some of you find it valuable!