I was waiting in a supermarket queue yesterday, and I was a couple of positions behind a woman wearing a strong perfume. There were plastic barriers on either side of the line. The perfume was very noticeable, and it made me realise the stupidity of the restrictions being imposed over the banker's pandemic. We know that the virus spreads via aerosol as well as droplets, so there was obviously a cloud following the woman as she moved around the store. If she was infected, then that would include viral particles. and these would be settling on clothing and store produce, as well as being breathed in by staff and shoppers. We were all obeying social mistancing rules as well. Wouldn't it make more sense to leave the area open to allow the airborne infections to disperse, rather than leaving them hanging around. It would also be useful if they added humidifiers to the air conditioning. Covid thrives in dry conditions.
the plastic barriers are for the shop workers at the cashier desk to not get coughed on or spat at.
you protection is your mask and distancing.
also the amount of particles needed to smell a smell is far less than what would make you 100% needing hospitalisation due to viral load.
yep even doctors in hospitals with masks/gowns/face shields still get sick.. but not as severely as they would without any PPE(february/march period)
this social distancing/mask is not 100% preventative but it is ~95% meaning 20x less severe risk. =20x less hospitalisations.
i knwo you had a hug a strangers and lick their face policy for 5 months thinking you wanted high viral load infections and lots of hospitalisation.. but how about realise that if you truly are a person that wants lw risk herd immuity without over running hospitals.. you actually realise that masks/social distancing reduces how much you inhale.
by the way you being 'a couple positions' behind. means that you sniffed less perfume than the person directly behind the women. so yea. they got more of it.
so just be glad you were a couple positions away and just remember that next time .. respect peoples personal space and dont get too close
last thing
humidifiers add moisture to the air. and even you said the virus moves on droplets of air.. you mean you prefer shops fit dehumidifiers