Contest Description
5000 EMC – Total prize pool
500 EMC – Prize for ideas which have been accepted for execution (the prize is paid out the moment the decision to execute the idea is made by the committee. Decisions to execute on ideas may take place during or right after the content closes)
50 EMC – Prize for an idea judged as potentially interesting for future implementation (the prize is paid when the contest closes, please don't forget to include your wallet addresses)
10 EMC – Prize for an idea that shows the contestants "best effort" (the prize is paid when the contest closes, please don't forget to include your wallet addresses).
10 EMC – Incentive prize, paid for placing a link to this very content thread in your group, blog, forum, facebook, twitter or anywhere else that will be seen in the cryptosphere. Paid once for each linked resource, assuming the referrer proposes at least one relevant idea (as determined by the committee). The more you share and promote the contest itself, the more EMC you earn!
The prize pool will be distributed regardless of the number of ideas received. Example: If we receive 10 ideas total then each submitted idea will receive 500 EMC
So promoted was a pool of 5000 Emercoins which is going to be distributed regardless of the number of ideas received. The example was given "If we receive 10 ideas total then each submitted idea will receive
500 EMC"
In the following lines I am listing the payouts that have been made from this pool. I just quickly went over the posts. So errors are possible.
In sum EMC 450 have been payed out. Means 4550 EMC are still to be payed out according to the contest rules.
Here is the list of participants and what they have been payed out (also in percentage of the made payouts).
Note: In the below calculations a comma is used as a decimal separator.
USER RECEIVED EMC /IN PERCENT sandiman 10/ 2,22%
dtpcoins 10/ 2,22%
foxkyu 30/ 6,67%
namjar 10/ 2,22%
msaidm1908 10/ 2,22%
starsnshamrocks 110/ 24,44%
bioly 20/ 4,44%
nara1892 10/ 2,22%
excwordalt 50/ 11,11%
cryptospreader 40/ 8,89%
m4nki 50/ 11,11%
piebeyb 10/ 2,22%
bitpotter 10/ 2,22%
rendravolt 10/ 2,22%
Valermos 10/ 2,22%
creativeeditors 10/ 2,22%
Ris88 10/ 2,22%
Giebaymax 10/ 2,22%
affandi 10/ 2,22%
tazmantasik 10/ 2,22%
mammon 10/ 2,22%
SUM EMC/ 450 100%_________________________________________
Instead 5000 EMC so far only 9 % of the pool was distributed. So by just applying the easiest distribution rule of the contest each contributor to the contest should receive 11 times (exactly 11,11111111 = 5000 EMC/450 EMC) of what has been payed out already.
Simplest distribution:
The prize pool will be distributed regardless of the number of ideas received. Example: If we receive 10 ideas total then each submitted idea will receive 500 EMC
yeah i think this needs to be explained properly about the actual distribution, we already have 1 to 2 months, I think it needs further information about this