original thread for 1 thru 14:
https://bitcointalksearch.org/topic/auction-playtoshi-coldkey-bitcoin-toy-21-units-5386316original winners:
Lot 1: chronicsky
- redeemedLot 2: PeakDK
- redeemedLot 3: sweeteye
- redeemedLot 4: chronicsky
- redeemedLot 5: 2stout
- redeemedLot 6: 2stout auctioned off - see below
Lot 7: cygan
- redeemedLot 8: haloxon
- redeemedLot 9: sweeteye
- redeemedLot 10: Cryptogreatdane
- redeemedLot 11: cygan
- redeemedLot 12: tweetious
- redeemedLot 13: geophphreigh
- redeemedLot 14: tweetious
- redeemedLot15: moparminingllc (this was purchased direct)
- redeemedoriginal thread for auction of #17:
https://bitcointalksearch.org/topic/--5400423 PreciousMetapsICT for set #17
- redeemedoriginal thread for auction of #6:
https://bitcointalksearch.org/topic/--5432261LitLitBit for set #6
- redeemedredemption: moparminingllc for set #15
redemption: Cryptogreatdane for set #10 - shipped direct
redemption: geophphreigh for set #13 - added to items I am currently hodling
redemption: tweetious for sets #12 and #14 - given to minerjones
redemption: 2stout for set #5 - they no longer have set #6 - added to items I am currently hodling
redemption: cygan for sets #7 and #11 - added to items I am currently hodling
Redemption: haloxen for set #8 - given to minerjones
Redemption: PeakDK for set #2 - given to minerjones
Redemption: PreciousMetapsICT for set #17 - given to minerjones
Redemption: ChronicSky for sets #1 and #4 - given to minerjones
Redemption: LitLitBit for set #6
Redemption: Sweeteye for sets #3 and #9 - given to minerjones