The question is how?
We're just a patient and we have no way to diagnose our illness. Is there any way to verify a good hospital? nope, is there any way to verify a honest doctor? nope. All you need is trust them and you can't do anything, it's trial and error, just pray you're not get a bad doctor.
Do you think you will not visit a hospital when you're sick due to your skepticism?
That is partially correct. If you focus on the medical, that is what you will find. The thing you need to do is search for other things than medial, like nutrition.
Nutritional ideas, and 'radical' procedures and processes are available. If you search on the Internet for them, much of your search will only bring you medical ideals and propaganda about these procedures and processes. Why? because the medical realizes that stuff, that really works, is taking foothold. So, they have joined the nutritional industry as sleepers and 'spies' just to thwart good nutrition and good non-medical ideas.
For example. Have you heard of intravenous H2O2 and O3 procedures? You can find doctors who do them. But the medical outright blasts these doctors and ideas. Why? for two reasons. Some of the doctors that do H2O2 or O3 processes, don't know what they are doing, and can hurt people. The other reason is that when these processes are used correctly, people find great health, and are healed from almost everything that anybody can be healed from.
Another is a 'fringe' doctor (according to the medical) whose name is Max Gerson (deceased). When his methods are used properly even with a healthy person, there is better living and health. There are people who have used his methods who, after a while, noticed that they were getting all kinds of pinkish blotches and marks all over their bodies. Finally, it was determined that their scar tissue was being replaced by healthy, normal, original-like tissue.
The first thing you need to do is change your mindset. The medical is out there to make money, period. All they want to do is keep you healthy enough so that you come to them with your tiny illnesses so they can make money. Check the statistics as to how many people die from heart disease, cancer, and diabetes each year (almost 2 million people),
at the hands of doctors and hospitals. Do you really want to continue on with these killers. Change your mindset.
Then search everywhere for things that work. After all, you can barely live with the medical, so
LIVE without them.