1.Be safe when you transfer your money because your country will be able to know where you are using your crypto when they know your bitcoin address and if they know website address.
2.Do not use exchangers where it is necessary to confirm identity with id card.
3.Do not buy bitcoin with your fiat money where they are asking you for id card,own identiy number,...
4.Do not talk to much to other people that you are not paying crypto fee even if they are your clostest part of family.
5.When you cashout big money,dont buy own house,car, go rent a car,rent a house ,rent everything,or buy it and then fast sell it to closest part of your family and then use it like it is yours.
Big tax which we have now are robbery we are traveling back to the past but now there are couple of kings,queens,queens and kings support=corrupted goverment voters,police and army,priests,people with small income and people which have small chances to survive.
For now the "automatic" taxation is only done in a few countries.
@Lyana @shirackjs and everybody else thinking that you MUST convert crypto into bank savings sonner or later...
that has already been answered in this reply https://bitcointalksearch.org/topic/m.49439298
( why don't you read the discussions? )
1) Paying taxes for helping your place to develop
These types of comments deserve a big Facepalm.
When you go back home tired from work, please relax on your couch and watch this classic that pretty much everybody knows of: Zeitgeist.
You will learn a lot of things from that, for example that the taxes and the fractional reserve are big scams.
We will be turned into slaves more and more year by year.
The real development and scientific research gets hindered and slowed down by them.
They definitely spend most of our tax money for less legit purposes than "development" or "your well being".
2) Cashing out to my bank account ( ... really? )
Some of you are incorrectly assuming that you MUST convert crypto into bank savings... why must you? There are many ways to cash-out, mostly anonymous:
- Restaurants/Shops/Services that directly accept crypto, are spreading out, even though at a slow pace
- Exchange crypto for cash by meeting with other people in your city (i.e. over-the-counter, LocalBitcoins, etc.).
Hint: check the banknotes' validity with something like this https://www.amazon.com/Dri-Mark-Counterfeit-Detection-Watermark/dp/B07F6PW69G
- [Caution with this] Get a crypto-enabled credit card like WirexApp , and cash out just a tiny amount of money at a time on it, just for small purchases at the moment you need to buy something. This is a handy way of cashing out, but it's traceable. Cash out a VERY limited amount per year in this way.
- Yeah, convert crypto into bank savings, but at a bank in a tax heaven so at least you pay very little taxes. Don't be a fool like some guy that keeps his bank reports at home, so that the dogs have the proof on a silverplate... ( some guys got caught for this naive move ).
3) Going to jail
If there's no proof, there's no jail for you.
Do you want additional safety?
- Withdraw BTC from the exchange to your BTC wallet
- Create a new BTC wallet, and move all your coins there
In this way, there is a proof on the blockchain that you moved all your BTC to another person (which is you, but there's no evidence, it can be anyone).
So it's like you have "cleaned" your coins from your name
What is the advantage?
They want to tax you on the FIAT money that you moved on the exchange for buying the coins, AND on the additional earnings you got from an eventual
price rise if they know you hold the coins for, say, 2 years, and the price went up by 500%.
But if you followed the 2 smart moves listed above, you proved that you gave all your coins to another person right after you bought them, so there's no earning to be taxed due to the coins' value increase.
Thus, you will only pay the taxes for the FIAT money that you spent for buying BTC
@shirackjs I forgot... who cares if the govs "ban" crypto? If it is decentralized, it will continue to work as before, and the price will continue to grow without the need for the gov.
BTC doesn't need gov's decision to raise in value.
It already is revolutionary enough that the price will go up naturally, without the need for help by dishonest tricksters called the gov.