I'm pretty sure that the wallet will not have any bitcoin in it if it has been compromised but for your satisfaction, you can try this method to check -
Open Bitcoin-Qt and click help - Debug - console and use code
listreceivedbyaddress 0 true
It will help you to get all your addresses.
Copy Easy address one by one and check on - blockchain.info/address/
If you are able to find bitcoins in any address then use this command in console -
Then Install Electrum from here https://electrum.org/ and import it to transfer bitcoins
IIRC, the "listreceivedbyaddress 0 true" command will only work AFTER the blockchain was sync'ed up to the point where the funding tx was confirmed. "getaddressesbyaccount """ will list all addresses belonging to the default account, the OP can then import these addresses as watch-only addresses in electrum, or he can look them up on an explorer.
You're right about the dumpprivkey tough... If he finds unspent outputs, it is solid advice to dump the private key, import it in electrum and spend the unspend outputs as soon as possible to fund an address generated by a new, secure wallet