Do not Libertarians, or right wing free market advocates have a set of values ? Of course they do.
Why are they, then, left off the hook when it comes to imposing these values on those that don't share them, over the "leftists" ?
The salient distinction is that the free market by definition means no top-down edicts are directing the outcome, rather the Invisible Hand of opportunity costs are. Free markets anneal to the NATURAL LAW economics of nature. Whereas, top-down edicts do not anneal and become megadeath because of non-intended outcomes. For example, the 57 million who starved in Communist China, because of the top-down management of agriculture. The AGW proponents are trying to achieve a similar megadeath through corrupt top-down governance.
If an ideology is an idea system used to maintain an exploitative domination, then from where I'm sat, the free market ideology has by far created the greatest amount of inequality and stifled life chances on the world as a whole .
Top-down governance is corrupted also. The leftist's preferred system is just as exploitative as any natural power-law or exponential distribution of wealth. Because giving power to representatives is a power vacuum and thus will always be victors to the most corruptible. The 160 IQ Eric Raymond explained this well: (Some Iron Laws of Political Economics)
1% own half this world.
The unequal distribution of wealth is a fact of nature. There is nothing you can anyone can do about this, other than improving technology so that everyone's standard of living is lifted. The following references are taken from my whitepaper for a new altcoin project I am working on:
J. Doyne Farmer, John Geanakoplos. Power laws in economics and elsewhere. Chapter from a preliminary draft of a book called “Beyond equilibrium and efficiency”, §4.1 Summary of empirical evidence for power laws, p. 15, May 14, 2008.
Adrian A. Dragulescu, Victor M. Yakovenko. Exponential and power-law probability distributions of wealth and income in the United Kingdom and the United States. Physica A 299, pp. 213–221, proceedings of NATO workshop Applications of Physics in Economic Modeling, Prague, Feb 2001.
Adrian A. Dragulescu, Victor M. Yakovenko. Statistical Mechanics of Money, Income, and Wealth: A Short Survey. Modeling of Complex Systems: Seventh Granada Lectures, AIP Conference Proceedings 661, pp. 180-183, Sep 2, 2002.
Victor M. Yakovenko, J. Barkley Rosser, Jr.. Colloquium: Statistical mechanics of money, wealth, and income. Rev. Mod. Phys. 81(4), 1703, Dec 2, 2009.
Jean-Philippe Bouchard. Power-laws and Scaling in Finance: Empirical Evidence and Simple Models. Conference on Fractals 2002, Emergent Nature: Patterns, Growth and Scaling in the Sciences, pp. 157–171, Mar 17, 2002.
Xavier Gabaix. Power Laws in Economics: An Introduction. Journal of Economic Perspectives 30(1) pp. 185–206, §What Causes Power Laws?, Winter 2016.
Thomas Lux. Financial Power Laws: Empirical Evidence, Models, and Mechanism. Power Laws in the Social Sciences: Discovering Complexity and Non-Equilibrium Dynamics in the Social Universe, §IV. Multi-Agent Models in Behavioral Finance, 2006.
Also the
extreme excesses in concentration of wealth are not due to the free market, but are due to the top-down political corruption that the leftists advocate. The solution the leftists advocate is the poison that gives them the reason to advocate their "solution". It is a vicious cycle of ignorance, akin to a dog chasing his tail.
It is quite sad to see such retarded humans destroy themselves and civilization along with it. Repeatedly.
But the ideas that legitimate this gross inequality are somehow OK because ......
?? Or are their ideas somehow exempt from tyrannical abuse purely because they are the ones writing the rule books and history ?
Doesn't make any sense.
You retards never learn to stop chasing your tail. It is sad. I see you leftists as a cancer and a virus, that I need to inoculate from my life.
CoinCube won't approve of my language, but I use this language because you leftists are evil and violent and the "soft glove" approach doesn't register in your corrupt minds. You need to be told what you really are bluntly and frankly. And moreover, because you always talking so highly of your ethics and you belittle (very condescending tone!) the ethics of the free market proponents, so I just want to put the mirror in your face.