Because of continuous bot attacks, I have added some extra security if my faucets. I have installed a second captcha system. Will you please test my faucets that everything is OK and faucets are paying successfully? If you can test with mobile phones, this will be better because there were some unsolved issues with solve-media in mobile.
If this script is based on the FaucetBox script (and looks like he is), even 10 captcha system will not help you. Bots have backdoor in time system, they make loop and are claiming every few seconds.
NastyHosts can help a lot too. It just needs proper configuration.
You can't blame faucetbox if faucet owner can't write/configure/setup his own site properly.
"Faucet" business isn't "sit back and get rich quick" scheme. It requires a lot of time and effort to achieve things.
I wouldn't recommend to anyone who can't at least understand what's the difference between PHP/python & HTML to start a faucet.
peace out
About backdoor and loop - you are right, i don't know how call it exactly, but i want to say, that bots have "door" to bypass captcha and make time loop to claim from faucet every few seconds.
I don't think that 2 or 3 captcha systems will help with that.. but with my pleasure i will test that if i will know how to establish that in proper way.
NastyHosts - as i know can help only with known IPs, and this IPs are changing everyday, so it is just race with bots, in which faucet owner must always chasing robots.. after some time everyone give up. (just like me)
And it is true, that without coding skills running faucet is (almost) impossible!