Is there a node that you control or make use of to find 0.8 clients quicker which we can add via "addnode" so you also see our nodes? Or do you just hope that your client will after some days just randomly stumble upon a 0.8 full node because there are so many?
Bitcoinj uses DNS discovery - it initially makes connections to 4 nodes at random.
It will then look at the Satoshi version running, the block height the peer says it is at and the peer's ping time to decide which is the best to download from. (The other peers are then used to verify things but it wants the 'best' for downloading).
Once V0.8.0 gets to about 15% of nodes then with 4 connections the chance of getting at least one V0.8.0 at random is:
1 - (1 - 0.15)^4 = 48%
I think we are planning to wait for 10% of nodes at V0.8.0 before releasing.
(If there are two few V0.8.0 nodes they might become too popular and get overloaded by SPV clients wanting to connect to them).