Is this coin alive?
We have a team of 7-8 developers working around the clock to make this happen, and are currently in closed BETA testing before launch. At Plutus, our focus is on solid security and quality, rather than pre-mature deployment. And we hope having a large, well-organized and well-funded team working full-time on the platform qualifies as "alive".
Updates are available here:
Discussion takes place on (Team members that frequent the chat include CCO Filip (@fmartinka) and CTO Martin (@martin_cto).)
Please keep in mind marketing efforts have not begun yet, and any time that the developers spend engaging with the community at this point is cutting into development time. We realize that this makes Plutus seem a bit "quiet", but as our CTO already mentioned in slack, "Would you rather we work on the platform, or talk about it?"
Brand recognition, community outreach, SEO, press releases and other wonderful things are firmly on the horizon after launch. And you may be surprised what we have planned.