Hello fellow pandas.
PND has seen an spectacular grow over the past month and this is a very fast very changing habitat, thx to the releases of the developers and the great supporting panda community, from 1 litoshi to a stunning 12 satoshi, so hold onto your coins because they will worth a lot more and in less time that you may think, the value will increment in price and thrust , as a real currency as the thrust in the devs grow and new releases are post, a real currency for the masses instead of a virtual, i believe it when the devs said that and i believed it now.
All the dumps fest, we have see off all kind, just normal ppl feeding in the coin well being making a profit while they can and past on the next coin, early adopters of one coin run with the risk of that and much more, so don't panic sell, this is not more a race to the moon, this a race for the human kind, a way of freedom we never have dream of, and the early adopters, the ppl whom saw how the things would changed before it happens, are always the ppl that make the more out it.
Don't believe you are late to mine pnd, or to buy pnd, because you are not. Here is the Beginning, here and now.
Dont forget to pass over the IRC there are really nice and charity ppl over there.
Thx for taking the time to read this post. Best Regards.