By Forexminute - Yashu Gola | Bitcoin, Cryptocurrency News, Litecoin | Sep 19, 2014 8:51AM BST
" – Ever since Bitcoin, there have been numerous attempts in cryptocurrency sector to revive the Satoshi Nakamoto’s magic. The later attempts in the name of Litecoin and Dogecoin were somewhat successful. Then came the time of feature-rich cryptocurrencies luring investors with innovative transaction and storage solutions. But amid all the launches and debacles, the cryptocurrency arena lost the simplicity that was original targeted for common users (or Average Joes).
We should accept the fact that not everyone is technically-rich. A lot of people around the world haven’t even heard of cryptocurrencies, and are still relying on traditional payment methods. But alongside, we are constantly getting introduced with coins that will hardly interact with the common man.
Charlie Lee, the celebrated creator of Litecoin, recently made clear that their coin is less about introducing ground-breaking features and more about adoption. He always intended to introduce Litecoin as the alternative currency which can be used by normal people. The aim was always holier, but lost to unnecessary limelight of other coins.
Enters Pandacoin, a newly launched cryptocurrency which is literally following the Charlie Lee’s words of simplifying virtual currency sector. The mainstream POS-based coin is particularly aiming the section which is unaware of cryptocurrencies..........."
Read the rest of the Pandacoin (PND) article HERE
we get new articles almost every day now. This is unbelievable! Great job and keep up the good work!