ABOUT PANDACOIN Rethinking Cryptocurrency – Part 1Easy to use. Easy to buy. Easy to mine. Easy to understand. Global mass appeal. Why do most of the mainstream population currently stay away from cryptocurrencies? It’s complex to use. It’s troublesome to buy. It’s difficult to mine. It’s hard to understand. Cryptocurrencies are still in their infant stages and have yet to see widespread mainstream mass market adoption and usage as a unit of exchange both online and offline. There is a need to rethink the current approach to the design and marketing of cryptocurrencies in order to achieve a global mass appeal.
The Pandacoin (PND) Development Team is proud to reveal our first major update which highlights our intention of redefining the cryptocurrency landscape, by being the
first cryptocurrency to design, develop and package specifically for the mainstream mass market. Pandacoin takes the first steps in building a solid foundation of how cryptocurrencies should be – easy to use, easy to buy, easy to mine and easy to understand.
Pandacoin will be the cryptocurrency to show to your family and friends that have yet to grasp the concept of decentralized digital currencies. Pandacoin will be the cryptocurrency to tell your work colleagues about, that had been asking if there are any methods to easily buy and mine cryptocurrencies. Pandacoin will be the cryptocurrency that almost anyone, from your teenage daughter, to your technophobe father, that could easily use, obtain and understand.
This is just the beginning for Pandacoin. We will continue to improve and add to the existing infrastructure which will make Pandacoin even easier to use, obtain and understand. This way Pandacoin can retain the position as market and thought leaders in the areas of simplicity and ease of usage, in order to reach the global mass market in the future.
Rethinking Cryptocurrency – Part 2For Pandacoin’s next major update, we’ll be putting the currency in cryptoCURRENCY. Pandacoin will be easy to spend and easy to accept as a form of payment. Cryptocurrencies should not only be easy to use, easy to buy, easy to mine and easy to understand, but also
easy to spend and accept as a form of payment in order to function truly as a form of decentralized digital currency instead of merely being a commodity. After all, Pandcoin is defined as a cryptoCURRENCY and not a cryptoCOMMODITY.
Our next major update to Pandacoin will involve developing coin technologies and infrastructure to encourage Pandacoin to be used as a unit of exchange, by making it easy for individuals (consumer to consumer), vendors and retailers of all sizes (business to consumer) to adopt, spend and accept Pandacoin as a form of payment in the future.
The Pandacoin (PND) Development Team had identified multiple fundamental problems that all cryptocurrencies suffer from, which is preventing individuals, vendors and retailers from easily accepting and sending cryptocurrencies as a form of payment. Again, similar to our first major update to Pandacoin, we will be designing, developing and marketing cryptocurrency infrastructures and technologies in a manner that has not been attempted before. An announcement regarding a release date for the second major update to Pandacoin will be made when we have a good estimate of when we can roll out the second major update to Pandacoin.
We plan to once again redefine how cryptocurrencies should be – easy and simple to use.
Near Future Developments to Look Forward toIn between the next major update to Pandacoin, certain smaller updates to Pandacoin that we can reveal that will be developed in the near future (or is currently undergoing development) include the following - Pandacoin (PND) Community Crowdfunding platform In order to speed up and increase the numbers of simultaneous developments for Pandacoin, the Pandacoin (PND) Development Team will be developing a Pandacoin (PND) Community Crowdfunding platform.
This crowdfunding platform will be in the form of a new dedicated section on our new homepage, to feature projects which can be funded by the community to further develop Pandacoin and its growing ecosystem. Projects utilizing the Pandacoin Community Chest funds will be showcased in this platform also. The platform will double up as a public project management tool used by the Pandacoin (PND)
Development Team to show the community the following –
- Development schematics and mock up designs
- Development list of deliverables
- Estimated development delivery time
- Live progress updates on different stages of development
We have contacts with individuals that are interested in privately bulk buying PND for FIAT at a set price, so the community does not need to worry about the conversion of large amounts of Pandacoins to traditional money via exchanges to fund these developments. More details on this initiative will be released shortly, and the community can expect the platform to be developed in approximately 1 months time.
PandaWallet for Apple iOS It was unfortunate that one of our test homepages had been exposed a few weeks ago, which prematurely revealed the Apple iOS PandaWallet. We wanted it to be a surprise for the community after the development is finished, but now we can officially confirm that it is currently undergoing development and the community could expect the release shortly.
PandaBank improvements With the world’s first main storage of cryptocurrency designed with a familiar interface and functionalities that is reminiscent of conventional internet banking, we would like to further refine PandaBank so that it would be even easier and secure to use. Upgrades scheduled for the Pandacoin PandaBank include:
- 2FA on login and transfer to improve security to protect your Pandacoins
- Ability to schedule one off or repeated transactions at a certain time and date
- User experience optimization
- Exciting secret features that would be released with the second major update to Pandacoin that we do not wish to announce yet
Crypto Crash Course Video Education series We will be creating a series of short 2-3 minute animated videos on the major topics from our Crypto Crash Course, making it even easier to educate the beginners that are just getting into the exciting yet fast paced world of cryptocurrencies. These videos are designed to increase awareness to the exciting world of cryptocurrencies, so you can forward the videos to your friends and family if they ever enquire about anything cryptocurrency related.
Chinese and other languages support on all key Pandacoin infrastructure To encourage Pandacoin adoption in China and other crucial market segments, we will be focusing on providing Chinese and other languages support on all key Pandacoin infrastructure. This will allow Pandacoin to truly obtain a global mainstream mass market appeal. Key infrastructures that will receive additional language support include:
- Homepage
- Crypto Crash Course
- PandaBank
- PandaWallet
- BuyPND
- Browser Miner
- PandaMiner
PandaBank-Lite - A lightweight version of PandaBank which does not involve downloading the entire Pandacoin
FAQ How long has the PoW phase been running so far?Pandacoin (PND) had begun their PoW phase since Feb 16, 2014 and has been mined for 95 days. Pandacoin (PND) is one of the rare PoS coins with such a long PoW phase, a duration of more than 3 months, to distribute the coins fairly out towards the community.
What will the maximum number of Pandacoins (PND) be?Not fixed nor limited when we switch over to PoS. We switched to PoS when 32,000,000,000 Pandacoins (PND) were mined, which marks the end of the approximately 3 months of PoW phase. You can see how many Pandacoins are currently in circulation here -
http://bitinfocharts.com/pandacoin/ How can I start earning 2.5% annual interest?You will have to download our new PandaBank, have it unlocked and leaving your PandaBank open with an online connection to start staking interest!
Can I still mine Pandacoin (PND) directly with my mining rig?With Pandacoin (PND) as a pure PoS coin, you would not be able to mine it directly. Instead, you will mine other digital currencies and exchange them for Pandacoin (PND) through our ever growing MH/S multipool. This way, you will be able to still mine Pandacoin (PND) from the multipool, and help increase the value of Pandacoin (PND) at the same time.
http://multi.pandapool.info Subreddit:
http://reddit.com/r/multipandaBitcointalk thread:
https://bitcointalksearch.org/topic/annpool-profit-switching-pool-for-pnd-and-doge-multipandapoolinfo-552464Email: admin at pandapool dot info
How does the Pandacoin (PND) multipool work?The Pandacoin (PND) multipool automatically switches between coins to mine based on difficulty and price variations in order to be as profitable as possible for the miners. For payout, the multipool computes the proportional share of each miner over rounds that last four hours. Once a round is complete, and after the mined blocks become mature, the multipool exchanges all coins for Pandacoin (PND). Please note that due to the time required for block maturation, deposits and withdrawals on exchanges, payouts for a round are processed one hour after the end of the next one. The multipool also apply a fee of 1.25%, in addition to the exchange and transactions fees required by the operation
Proof of Stake is confusing me. Is there a Proof of Stake FAQ?Yes there is, to find more about how Proof of Stake works, please visit our Pandacoin (PND) Proof of Stake FAQ:
http://pandacoinpnd.org/category/cryptocrashcourse/6th-course-frequently-asked-questions/ Who are the current Pandacoin (PND) Development Team members and what do they do?The Pandacoin (PND) Development Team currently comprises of the following 10 members:
amDOGE: Founder of Pandacoin (PND). Takes part in community management, public relations, marketing, web development and maintenance for the PND wallet.
xfr: Senior programmer and cryptographer. Operates and maintains the multipool. Currently works as a Java lecturer and can code in multiple languages.
Sakr: Senior Programmer with e-commerce, sys-admin and security/white hat hacking background. Can code in multiple languages
Skirmant: Software and Mobile Applications developer. Proficient in C, C++, Java, Javascript & PHP programming languages.
Brokencalculator: Business, executions and strategic consultant. Currently working for a large banking corporation, and his current position is to advise upper management on business direction
Chris_Sze: Chinese Marketer, Community Manager and Translator. He works in the China and develops the Chinese PND community on Weibo, QQ, and Bitcointalk. Currently is the general manager of a manufacturing firm in China.
Linux_Mint_Pal: Specialist in public education. Assists in marketing and in community outreach to the mainstream public. Currently tutoring Physics before moving on to a PhD program in Optics, and specializes in synthesizing complex information to a medium that is simple and easily understood by the mainstream.
We are actively looking to expand and grow our development team which currently comprise of 10 dedicated members We're currently looking for mobile developers, additional graphic designers, additional marketers, additional software and web developers/coders.
Please contact us if you are interested in joining the dedicated Pandacoin (PND) development team, either by private messaging one of the team members or speaking to amDOGE on our irc channel -
#PandacoinPND at freenode.net Useful Information and Links Social Homepage:
#PandacoinPND on freenode.net Twitter:
http://www.reddit.com/r/PandacoinPND Weibo:
http://weibo.com/pndcoinChinese QQ group: 255237866
Pandacoin (PND) IRC Lotto Faucet now available We have implemented a Pandacoin (PND) IRC Lotto Faucet system, where you can type the following commands on our irc channel every 24 hours
for a chance to win up to 10 million every 24 hours Pandacoins (PND): !lotto !panda or !gimme
It works by a lotto system, where you get one try every 24 hours:
Normal payouts = 10-100 PND
1/10 chance = 1,000 PND
1/100 chance = 10,000 PND
1/1,000 chance = 100,000 PND
1/10,000 chance = 1 million PND
1/100,000 chance = 10 million PND
So join us on #PandacoinPND at freenode.net to try out the Lotto-Faucet commands !lotto !panda !gimme,
have a chance of winning up to 10 million Pandacoins (PND) and chat with the other Pandas from this awesome community!
TipbotsTwitter: @pndtip http://pandatipper.pandacoinpnd.org
Reddit: /u/pndtipsFacebook:
https://www.whitepuma.net/multitipping PandaBank download http://pandacoinpnd.org Github Source
https://github.com/pandacoin-official/pandacoin Mining See above FAQ under 'Can I still mine Pandacoin (PND) directly with my mining rig?' and 'How does the Pandacoin (PND) multipool work?'
Exchanges https://www.swisscex.com/market/PND_BTChttps://www.swisscex.com/market/PND_LTChttps://www.swisscex.com/market/PND_DOGEhttps://usecryptos.com BTC, LTC and BC markets
https://allcrypt.com BTC, LTC and DOGE markets
https://swaphole.com BTC and LTC markets
https://www.rapidcx.com/exchange/pandacoinhttps://bleutrade.com/exchange/PND/USDhttps://bleutrade.com/exchange/PND/BTChttps://bleutrade.com/exchange/PND/LTChttps://bleutrade.com/exchange/PND/DOGEhttps://bx.in.th/BTC/PNDhttps://www.vaultex.io/market/7https://www.bittrex.com/Market/Index?MarketName=BTC-PNDhttps://alcurex.org/index.php/crypto/PND_BTChttps://coin-swap.net/market/PND/BTChttps://yobit.net/en/trade/PND/BTChttp://wesellpnd.comhttps://buypandacoin.com Help Pandacoin (PND) get on Cryptsy! We now have 4367 votes there!
Vote for Pandacoin (PND) HERE Help Pandacoin (PND) get on Bter! We now have 238 votes there!
Vote for Pandacoin (PND) HERE Pandacoin (PND) Services Mobile/Tablet ApplicationsPandacoin (PND) multipool miner information application (x11 and scrypt support) -
Android DownloadPandaTracker 2.0 for Pandapool Android App -
Android DownloadPandacoin (PND) Wallet Balance checker application -
Android Download Windows Phone Download Firefox Marketplace Download Amazon Download Toolshttps://cryptrader.com/charts/mintpal/pnd/ltc - CrypTrader Mintpal PND/LTC live API trading charts (Similar to bitcoinwisdom charts)
https://cryptrader.com/charts/mintpal/pnd/btc - CrypTrader Mintpal PND/BTC live API trading charts (Similar to bitcoinwisdom charts)
http://altcoingraphs.com/mintpal/graphs/price/36 Altcoingraphs PND/LTC live API trading charts (Similar to bitcoinwisdom charts)
http://pndgames.net/ Desktop PND Multipool Stat Checker for miners. Have useful information on your mining statistics at all times! See if your workers are alive and their mining stats. See a total sum of Pandacoins that you have accumulated and more!
http://crypto-prices.com/PND Monitor Pandacoin (PND) prices in fiat
https://myaltcoins.com/currency/crypto/PND See all your assets in a single place, with constantly updated exchange rates, graphs, and a lot more!
http://bitinfocharts.com/pandacoin/ Very useful for price, blockcount, difficulty, hashrate, total coins and more!
http://targetmoon.com/ 24/7 Pandacoin (PND) price monitoring and email alerts
http://alertco.in/#/ 24/7 Pandacoin (PND) price monitoring and twitter/mobile alerts
http://www.cryptocoincharts.info/coins/show/pndhttp://www.coinfinance.com/currencies/PND-PandaCoinhttp://pndaddress.org Open Source JavaScript Client-Side Pandacoin (PND) Wallet Generator (inc paper wallets)
Merchantshttp://coinpayments.net Merchant tool used to accept payments in PND
http://www.zazzle.com/pandacoin PND related merchandise
https://usepnd.com/ A developing market to purchase products using PND, and to purchase PND directly with paypal
https://altcoinauctions.com/ Sell or Bid for items there using your Pandacoins in less than 30 seconds
Gameshttp://pndgames.net/ Earn Pandacoins (PND) by playing addictive renditions of 'PND Snake' and 'Flappy PND'!
Blockchain Explorerhttp://pnd.showed.us Blockchain Explorer #1
http://pndb.showed.us Blockchain Explorer #2
http://pandachain.net Blockchain Explorer #3
http://multifaucet.tk/index.php?blockexplorer=PND Blockchain Explorer #4
https://bchain.info/PND Blockchain Explorer #5
Faucetshttp://1dash.net/faucet Faucet
http://bamboohouse.info/index.php?page=faucet Faucet
http://pandacoin.altcoinfaucet.net Faucet
http://cryptogator.net/pandacoin-faucethttp://cryptospout.com/faucet.php?coin=PND#PandacoinPND Pandacoin (PND)
IRC Lotto Faucet Gamblinghttps://www.ritzgrandcasino.com/ Online casino gambling using coinpayments.net to accept PND
https://pnd-dice.com PND dice gambling
Mischttp://coinwik.org/Pandacoin cryptocoin wikipedia
http://1dash.net User-defined dahsboard for general charts/countdowns, accepts donations in PND
https://www.cryptonator.com/widget Customizable and installation-friendly price and calculator widgets
Pandacoin (PND) in the newshttp://finance.yahoo.com/news/pandacoin-creates-first-personal-cryptocurrency-071136441.htmlhttp://www.forexminute.com/bitcoin/meet-new-easy-cryptocurrency-45000http://www.virtual-strategy.com/2014/09/18/pandacoin-creates-first-personal-cryptocurrency-bank-%E2%80%93-generates-25-annual-interest#axzz3E9K5N5Rnhttp://www.hawaiinewsnow.com/story/26484987/pandacoin-pnd-to-begin-the-cryptocurrency-mass-market-revolution-with-new-updatehttps://altcoinherald.com/pandacoin-price-holding-project-announces-planshttp://cryptolix.com/how-to-mine-pandacoin-with-your-pc-in-5-easy-steps Pandacoin (PND) Chinese communities Some PND friends are spreading the word in the land of the panda!
https://bitcointalksearch.org/topic/pnd-484555 PND熊猫币,真正熊猫币,0预挖,拒绝圈钱 [显卡币][KGW]
http://weibo.com/pndcoin (215 followers)
QQ group: 255237866 (300 active members)
Charities PND4PND, the first Pandacoin (PND) charity initiative, had been created by a dedicated and awesome community member! Let's show our support and feel good by donating PNDs to a choice out of 4 different charity organisations!
It is a unique concept in that all donations made now will be held and only released to the chosen charity organisations until June 1st, 2015.
The charity wallet will be on a transparent and public address, managed by the Pandacoin (PND) development team. Read more about it and the chosen charity organisations here:
http://pnd4pnd.com WWF (official website:
Donation address: PNWLTA6tANL7waXUBt6rHYVgBwvpmtdu3c
http://pandachain.net/address/PNWLTA6tANL7waXUBt6rHYVgBwvpmtdu3c Chengdu Giant Panda Breeding Research Foundation (official website:
Donation address: PFfzRE4NVAQrx9gMkFogjHcBXhbQzesL5r
http://pandachain.net/address/PFfzRE4NVAQrx9gMkFogjHcBXhbQzesL5r Earthwatch Institute (official website:
Donation address: PTFvBkEQY9si5ScK26PkcwbKHtS6b1axmN
http://pandachain.net/address/PTFvBkEQY9si5ScK26PkcwbKHtS6b1axmN Additional Languages community here on BTCtalk Chinese License Pandacoin is released under the terms of the MIT license. See
Development and contributions Developers work on their own trees, then submit pull requests when they think
their feature or bug fix is ready. Gitlab instance is available for everyone at