There was an article in the Washington Post this week that talked about how much money local governments were making from these kinds of warrant-less seizures .
Declining to answer any questions will immediately set off a red flag that your trying to hide something. That is how a cop would likely try to interpret it if you ask me. I don't like how paranoid many cops are, they will look for anything they feel is not normal to harass you. Profiling people and treating them like criminals before proven guilty is not their job, it is to protect and serve. If their being trained to act this way something needs to change and that change needs to come from the higher ranking officers.
If a cop shoots and kills someone the immediate reaction is the victim must have done something to deserve it. What kind of message is that going to send to cops? It's that they literally have a license to kill, which is beyond terrifying for anybody with a pulse.
History shows us that people in positions of authority are in the best position to do the most damage yet our society tends to accept all the corruptions and power grabbing. It won't keep us safe that is for sure so people better get used to being walked on and treated like crap by a bunch of paranoid poorly trained "peace officers".