Without question one of the biggest issues with the United States government is allowing for big corporations to fund politician campaigns without any contribution limits. In doing so, they are buying the politicians so that when they get in office, the politicians will then be obligated to return the favor.
You just nailed it at the head, that's the simple definition of what is been transpared underneath, this political candidate you see have thier own caccus which they obey and answer their calls whenever needs be because they know all about how their emersion occur right from the beginning of their political career and this can only be stopped if we start voting for personality and not party, democracy government is like a clique of those in power rotating and recycling the leadership positions within their cycle.
There is no debate that this should be stopped
Fine and good everyone want the change but don't want to be a change agent, we all complain about bad governance yet we are the ones that still take bribes and voted them into office for another season, this can only be stopped when we realized that the people has more power than those elected in position if we are united with one voice for a change.