It's interesting because the problem is the label conspiracy theorist has been used so much by mainstream politics as a 'bad' thing where you have to be a nut case in order to think there are conspiracies out there but I think there's a difference between believing in a conspiracy and having circumstantial evidence to back it up and then being paranoid.
The best thing to do when looking at this stuff is to actually examine the evidence rather than look at the scare mongering and read the text properly, in most cases you'll see that a lot of these people who are making stuff up will barely ever give out any real evidence and instead make accusations and presumptions. Think of it like trying to read through a scam and I'll use the free electricity generators as an example, why do they not provide videos of the thing working? Why don't they release the method of construction if it's such a brilliant idea? When they claim that investors have seen it why don't they have interviews with these people saying that they've taken a look at it in order to convince people?
This exact same logic can be applied to conspiracy theories, the more you question somebody genuinely rather than argue with it, the more you start to unravel their bullshit because they're being forced to explain themselves rather than pretend they're being persecuted or censored ( another reason why I believe so much in free speech for everyone, no matter what ) that's not to say I haven't found some really interesting stuff out there. For instance, during the G8 protests there was a lot of evidence uncovered by people who were doing some real investigations on agent provocateurs and it was found that there were police officers dressing up as Anarchists and starting fights with the police so they'd have an excuse to go in and arrest everybody, the evidence brought forward to this were things like they were wearing the same type of issue boots the police officers wore and there were videos taken of people actually stopping them and they ended up going behind the police lines when they couldn't do anything. There have been quite a few admissions it seems by police that they've been doing it. there's genuine stuff out there, but you just need to look at the evidence.