Dash officially addressing the Instamine, a timeline :The Birth of Darkcoinhttps://dashtalk.org/forums/general-discussion.2/Date : Mar 29, 2014Views : 12,100Launch
It was January 18, 2014 and I had everything ready or so I thought. I announced the launch of Darkcoin (XCoin at the time) on BitcoinTalk. We launched later and immediately got stuck on block 42, I was new to the Bitcoin codebase and wasn’t sure what I missed so I announced we’d relaunch later.
When we relaunched we had a rush of miners join causing a huge spike of coin production without it being able to adjust the difficulty quick enough, we just ended up spilling out coins. Retargeting happened every 576 blocks and could only increase the difficulty by four times, so it took about six retargets to get to a difficulty that was near 2.5 minutes per block.
Later on, after the difficulty evened out we realized that there was a serious problem with the block reward calculation. You can see people discussing the problems here:
https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=421615.120I soon fixed this issue at block 4500, but none of us realized the amount of coins that had been issued at the time. At that point we didn’t even have a block explorer yet.
Dash Video SeriesDate : 21 september 2015https://www.youtube.com/embed/eEJKZjTx9Bgtime 7:26
Was The Instamine A Positive Thing For Dash?https://dashdot.io/alpha/?page_id=118Date : Date : 11 october 2015In this article, we explore the impact of the “instamine” on the Dash ecosystem.
There’s been talk from the very beginning of Dash about the very first 24 hours, 1.9 million coins were issued.
We gained access to Evan Duffield to directly answer some questions about the instamine and give us an account
of what happened.
Q: Did the instamine happen?
Evan Duffield:“The instamine happened, there is no one disputing that fact. The crypto-community at large has no problem with this except a few who think it’s trying to be hidden in some way. In fact, I posted multiple times about the instamine, first in “The Birth Of Darkcoin” which is an account of the first few weeks of the launch and the mistakes that were made. Recently I also posted spoke about the Instamine in the video “Virtual Corporation”, which considers the concept that it might have been key to Dash’s success, which I believe now.
It’s also important to note, I was working a very challenging day job while working on Dash in the first couple weeks. So I was putting out fires every night, keeping tabs on Dash during the day (while getting yelled at by my boss when he caught me a couple times). Eventually I quit when I got Dash stable enough to work on full time and decided I really wanted to explore what I could do with it. “
So is Dash lying about the Instamine ?
NoSo is Dash trying to hide the Instamine ?
NoYet that is exactly what certain fud posters are trying to make people think : that Dash is somehow lying about the Instamine and trying to hide it as well.
Anyways lets get back to topic, today will be the last day to vote ... make it count.