you read all the source code and thought about it for months, or you blindly believe it 100%?
"bitcoin" is just a protocol. There are many implementations of that protocol. Any one of those implementations might become "hacked" (Bitcoin-Qt, Electrum,, etc), but I think I understand the protocol and the options available for updating that protocol as new technologies develop to believe that the protocol itself as defined (though not necessarily as implemented by any one or more clients) won't be hacked.
bitcoin could be hacked and we dont even know it, someone finds a way to create bitcoins without making the GPU do any work, and can create infinite bit coins
their must be a simple way to check if this is the case, add up all the wallets with coins on the block chain and you should get 10.576 million coin
Someone do this please!
No bitcoins can come out of nowhere. That's not how it works. No bitcoin client would accept "coins" that came from nowhere.
prove it.
I can't fool everyone and make them believe i did the work
or somehow side step the hole minning issue and just send made up coins.
I know what THEY say, but can you prove it, without asking me to "understand" the hole system. add up the all the coins and say see 10million so far.