I found out the 17th of october, the day of the "crash" of bitcoin, a lot of news suporred across the sites I visit. I was not very interested (and I was about to dimiss it) until I saw a comment explaining bitcoin very well in the sea of misleading comments.
1) Confirmations are slow. Each transaction takes an hour to confirm. If i want to buy milk at the local shop i am not going to wait for an hour. And using a 3rd party for instant transaction nullifies all the advantages of bitcoin, so you will be better off using a regular currency (cach,credit,paypal) since they have a better protection against non currency related fraud.
Merchants can use 0-confirmation transactions for small amounts of money. With a tx radar and waiting 10-30 seconds you'll be sure there isn't a double spend. To double spend such transactions you would have to mine a block yourself, which is much more expensive.
I dont like the 0 confirmation idea - i would rather give merchants higher priorities in blocks - so a 10 minute wait will get them 2 blocks.
The slowness of the system is one of its defense mechanisms...
and mining a block is not necessarily more expensive than the trade, like when buying a tv/smartphone - you wouldn't wait for an hour to get your payment approved, which introduces risk into the transaction.
Today most people expect everything to be instantaneous.
Physical bitcoins are not a bad solution for this, since no transaction needs to be recorded for the exchange.
A more evil solution would be to have a trusted 3rd party, a role generally filled by the police/government.