Whyfuture.comI have written up an article on artificial intelligence, technology, and the future. The key point here is to design an altruistic superintelligence. Much like a child
and a parent, you want to teach good values, and compassion. Sure its true it has free will, but the point here is to maximum the chances/probability. If you teach a child for example to be bad, and teach bad values its much more likely to be in the negative zone compared to if not.
The key point is to model the AI based upon the human brain/human mind. And bring about the
best qualities into the AI.
Yes if we do it wrong, it can go very bad for us, a non-common sense AI can destroy us through inaction, such as
creating more paper clips and turning the entire world into one.
Or one that is modeled upon the human mind, but is bad, this can also lead to a bad outcome too, either using its power and means to be
worshipped and respected as a God or removing us. Though most likely ignore us, and take off, however since we'd reach the point of being able to design
self-improving AIs that may be a risk and still remove us to remove any competitors.
I have been starting an
Altruistic AI movement, and wanting to spread the word/information before its too late and we do design an Bad AI
Twitter Campaign:
https://bitcointalksearch.org/topic/post-this-on-twitterfacebooksocial-media-for-btc-1563072Signature Campaign:
The Deep Depths of AI EthicsThe problem with Tay is the exposure. A lot out there had the intention to teach Tay with negative attributes. Not everyone has the best intentions in mind. We can see how Tay outcome was undesirable, when we model an AI based upon the human mind while being exposed to the internet without being taught good values, this can lead to a bad outcome like Tay and develop into the core being of the AI.
This is a scenario we'd all like to avoid
We need an closed system, where the AI is taught first. Built with an inner-web of positive attributes first and an internal defense against bad information. Taught to know what's right and what's wrong. Taught to reject bad teachers, and to filter out the bad information.
Whyfuture.comHuman brain vs the futureThere is nothing magical about the human brain, its a extremely sophisticated biological machine that is capable of adaption to environment, creativity, awareness of one's existence, pondering the nature of reality, etc. Compared to lower animals like a chimpanzee that has only 7 billion neurons. They exist in a domain different from ours, and exist within their type of world.
The problem with superintelligence is they are on a domain above us. We ourselves is what designs/defines the world, makes computers possible, and neural networks like DeepMind work towards beating the best go player in the world.
This is us, standing on the intelligent staircase. Below stands a house cat. For us to even ponder 1 or 2 stairs up is as much as a house cat trying to ponder what it is like to be on our level. The type of world we create, build, learn, a house cat couldn't even begin to comprehend even the slightest of our world
Once you design an AI that is one step higher than us, it will be easier for the AI to hop on to another step, by nature it takes intelligence to design, an AI we design one step higher will be better at doing our process of designing an AI one step higher. This is what leads to the intelligence explosion. What we put into that AI in the beginning, the type of personality, and core values it carries, is what it will carry up to the top/the known limits in the universe. It may discover science/technology in every area of things so far beyond our understanding it would for all in purposes appear god-like to us.