"the amount of people HODLing will only go down"
For every seller there is a buyer! Plain economics
HODLing =/= selling(or buying for that matter). When someone takes coins they own out of storage and put them on the market, the amount of people HODLing goes down. When someone leaves the market, and puts coins in storage, the amount of people HODLing goes up. Every coin mtgox controls is a coin in HODling status. If the coins leave their control and returns to the rightful owners then... Every coin that is not stored more or less immediately and is put on the market, is a coin no longer in HODLing status. 100% of goxcoins is in HODLing. If they ever become unfrozen, if even one
* For all the nit-picky, it is possible that every single Mtgox customer puts the coins in storage, but I'd sooner bet on winning the lottery.