users are not slaves to pools. just taking what pools hand out. users want to have a say in what is created. and thus they become nodes.
they then via majority consensus and rejecting blocks they dont like, cause pools to form a single chain (stack of bank notes) that the majority accept and are happy to use as currency.
You are clearly missing the point. Miners don't need the other nodes to get their blocks and make their chain. They only need to connect amongst themselves, and they have all reasons to do so for matters of speed. If miners make one single chain, whether other nodes don't like that chain or not, doesn't matter. There is only one chain out there. Nobody's making another one.
If tomorrow, there is consensus between all miners and they ONLY make the segwit chain, then that's it, and whether users like it or not, they have no choice. If tomorrow, there is consensus about BU between all miners, and they only make the BU chain, then that's it, and users have no choice. And if tomorrow (like today) miners have consensus and only make the standard chain, that's it, users have no choice.
You are talking about the case when there is no consensus between pools, and when pools make different chains. Then nodes can pick one of the two (or three or four) chains that are available.
But non-mining nodes have nothing to say to the blocks that miners put on the chain they build. They can simply download them, and accept them or not. That's all non-mining nodes do: download blocks from miners. They can't stop miners from building chains.
And now we come to users: if miners only make one chain, users have no choice: that's the chain they have to use, there isn't any other. But of course, users can decide to sell their coins and leave the thing, which is bad for miners, who need users to buy their coins. So with one chain, users HAVE TO use it, but they can set the absolute market cap.
If there are more chains, users can use the different chains to buy and sell, and DETERMINE THE RELATIVE MARKET CAPS. But in order for users to be able to do so, miners have to make different chains in the first place (with hard forks). When users set different relative market caps, miners will follow these ratios.
So again: miners make block chains, which nodes can download if they like it. Users can only use the chains that miners make. But they set the market cap of these chains, which is the ultimate thing miners are after. If miners are in disagreement, and make hard forks, they leave the choice to the user. If miners are in consensus and make only one chain, the user has only the choice to stay or to leave.
But, apart from the case of a hard fork and setting the relative market caps, users have nothing to say about WHICH chain(s) miners can make. And nodes in all this story don't matter AT ALL.