I see this matter as an ever growing serious issue with laws and regulations increasing / looming.
We are going to have to confront this issue at some point..
Either you are willing to compromise and work with authorities or you are going to have to get ready for a battle !
What side will you be on people ?
Oh and i vote "Work Together" because i think it's what we need to do to get a currency used / adopted.
See my post in the thread on "the rise and rise of monero".
Crypto has no reason to exist inside a legal system and is even outright dangerous as a tool to oppress people and have governments steal people even more.
There is not a single reason to desire "crypto adoption" in that case. On the contrary. If crypto could go away it would be much better in that case.
believe it or not we are living in a society and as a citizen you can't hide from the law and think you are above it just because you are using a cryptocurrency.
they need to be regulated.
Well, I think one can perfectly well live in a society without state and law, but only on a contractual basis. But that's a political opinion, that must sound as strange today as the statement that one could live in a society without a king sounded in the middle ages.
However, that is not the gist of the discussion. If you think that one should live in a society with state and law, then *there is not a single use case for crypto currencies*.
Because the fundamental principle of a crypto currency is distributed, open trustlessness. It is the need for this trustlessness which brings all the hassle of it. If there is state and law, there is a central authority which should have might over everything. That is in fundamental contradiction with distributed trustlessness.
It is fundamentally impossible to have a "regulated crypto currency" that is at the same time, not totally degenerated into a fiat currency. Because in order to be regulated, it needs to be traceable, confiscable, stoppable and reversible, by a central authority, something that is totally orthogonal to its conception. Of course it is possible to alter a cryptocurrency to the point of being regulated, but then it doesn't need to be "crypto" any more. It is then a hassle to take all that crypto blockchain peer-to-peer stuff with it. Normal bank computer fiat works 1000 times better for the same purpose.
So yes, maybe money needs/will be regulated. But then it is useless to have crypto money. That's my point.
Each time this discussion comes up, people tell me that "you cannot fight the state and law". But my question is then: why would you want crypto currencies to be adopted in the first place ? What do they have to offer over fiat ? My answer is: "nothing but trouble".
What's your answer to the question "what have regulated and hence centralized, traced, cryptocurrencies to offer over regular fiat ?"