miner29's post history, I thought altcoin (mining) board is having less merit than it should be. The user had 1000 posts on that board but he had 59 merits received before LoyceV had merit rain on his profile.
So, I looked into Ddmrddmr's
Bitcointalk Merit Dashboard to check out whether altcoin mining board getting enough merit or not.
I had this impression (before check) for the top 5 boards-
1. Development & Technical Discussion
2. Mining
3. Bitcoin Technical Support
4. Meta
5. Beginners and Help or Reputation
But this is what I ended up from the dashboard-
1. Economics- 11.32% of total merit (Didn’t have WO thread in mind)
2. Meta- 11.25% of total merit
3. Marketplace- 10.09% of total merit
4. Russian- 8.90% of total merit
5. Trading discussion- 6.06% of total merit
My opinion, observationWell, this is not something like these boards don't deserve such huge merits. I used to think that bitcoin technical discussion, mining related discussion should have received more merit than other boards as most of the people who are here is primarily joining the forum from the curiosity of learning about bitcoin (please keep people aside who are spamming here and there for bounty). So, many of them should be active in this board with real questions, discussion and should receive more merit. But though it's nothing of unusual, complain, I was kinda wtf with the top 5 boards. I really had no idea these boards are having more merits than my top 5 boards.
What is your top 5? Please be sure to be honest. Vote for the top 5 in your mind, not from the result.
PS- I have written this post from mobile. So, I may have done some wrong info. Please point out this if you find any.
I apologize. To some user, this poll may sound stupid.
Data time range- 1/24/2018 to 9/17/2021